One may distingish three major periods in the Sasieni brand history:
▲ (Left side)
Sasieni (Fish-tail script) London Made, PAT. N° 150221/20
(Right side)
▲ Pre-transition period, 1919 - 1924. One dot on top of the stem
▲ Pre-transition period, 1919 - 1924. One dot on top of the stem
▲ (Left side)
(Arched) Specially Selected, by, Sasieni (Fish-tail script) London Made
(Right side)
(Arched) Made in England, 155 XL
Pre-transition period, 1919 - 1924. One dot on top of the stem
The stamping "Specialy Selected By.." indicates that the pipe was personally selected by Joel Sasieni.
See also, with this same special stamping:
- a Duplicated dot pipe.
- a limited edition from 1979
Pre-transition period, 1924 - 1945. Four dot.
Pre-transition period, 1924 - 1945. Four dot on top of the stem.
Pre-transition, 1946 - 1979. Four dot
Notice the change of "Sasieni" script without the fish-tail initiated by Alfred Sasieni after second world war.
Pre-transition, 1946 - 1979. Four dot
Appledore: shape name (Town)
Ruff Root: Name for a sandblasted finish
▲ (Underside)
[star] Sasiεni, FOUR DOT RUSTIC, London Made, Made in England
Pre-transition, 1946 - 1979. Four dot
Rustic: Name for a rusticated finish
One star near "Four"
▲ (Left side)
Sasiεni, Four Dot Natural, London Made
(Right side)
"Danzey", XS, Made in England (Arched)
Pre-transition, 1946 - 1979. Four dot
Natural: Name for a smooth finish
XS: this stamping corresponds to a premium priced pipe.
▲ (Underside)
Sasiεni, Two dot, London Made
XS King Size 56C
Made in England (Arched)
"King Size" marking in any Sasieni grade or finish were the largest pipes Sasieni regularly marketed.
"Two dot" pipes are not to be confused with the Duplicated One dot.
▲ (Left side)
Claret, London Made, By Sasieni
(Right side)
Made in England (Arched) 38
Transition period, 1979 - 1986
Other Sasieni transition pipes here
▲ (Left side) The Alternative, London made, by Sasieni
(Right side) England
▲ (Left side)
The Alternative, London England, By Sasieni
(Right side)
Made in England (Arched), 21
Transition period, Lucite stem, 1979 - 1986
Other Sasieni transition pipes here
Sasieni 4DOT Ruff Root Dark Made in London (In circle) F, 5
Post transition, 1986 - today, "4 dot"
Ruff Root: Name for a sandblasted finish
Notice the 4DOT stamping replacing the FOUR DOT from 1986.